

Best Answer

A destop must first be power off, and then you must open the destop's case in order to install the wireless network interface card.

From Nareth Sok

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Q: What would be the difference between installing a wireless network expansion card in a laptop compared to a desktop computer?
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expansion slots are found on the motherboard

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Not necessarily, if you know what the program is going to do and you are absolutely sure you know what you are installing on your computer.

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Saving means moving something to permanent storage. Installing means putting some new application on your computer. For example, you install Microsoft Word, then you use it to write a letter. When you are done typing, you save it under the name "letter.doc".

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Expansion Slot is just like port into which expansion card can be inserted. In otherwords port is female and card is male.

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Someone can avoid installing adware spyware programs on their computer by avoiding installing random things from the internet and only installing things from the official website of a program. Also, install an antivirus program on your computer.

Does installing something on the computer give your computer a vires?

It all depends on what you installed.

Can you supe up your computer?

Yes, you can soup up (upgrade) the features/capabilities of your computer. You can do this by installing a faster CPU, adding memory and/or installing more devices.

How do you add a sims expansion pack?

Just buy an expansion and download it on your computer