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Absolutely nothing - since it has no concept of what chocolate is !

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A computer given a life-time (whose lifetime?) supply of chocolate would do whatever it was programmed to do with it.

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Q: What would a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate?
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What is excessive intake?

Excessive intake is when you take in something excessively... For example, if you really enjoy chocolate and happen to win a lifetime supply of it and you eat thirty pounds of it in one day, that would definitely qualify as "excessive intake."

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In order to supply power supply to your computer you would need an outlet plug near your computer. Then you can plug your computer into that and necessarily, use an extension.

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The PC power supply box's function is to supply the computer with power. Without the PC power supply box, the computer would not be able to turn on and off.

What is fuction of power supply?

The power supply makes the computer run, without any type of power supply it would be impossible to run a computer. The mains power supply for a laptop and the power supply unit of a desk top, both convert the high AC voltage from the mains power and convert it to low voltage DC, for the electronics of a computer to use.

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Decrease in computer resources cost.

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Increase in the price of computer.

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if it were mee id ask for a lifetime supply of ice break iced coffees but i suppose that you could send mr money in the mail..... foooll call me: lol

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Producers expectation of a computer prince increase.

What would last a lifetime?

A life would last a lifetime.

What are the odds that your laptop will malfunction if you pour melted chocolate into it?

It depends i do not know why you would want to do it but if the chocolate gets in the key board or disk drive you computer wont last long

Would it be possible to repair a computer's power supply?

It would be possible if you have the proper testing equipment and electrical tools to do the job.