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Q: What windows is used to make duplicate copy of the data on your hard drive?
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Is it true Windows Backup and Restore Utility allows you to make a duplicate copy of all the data on your hard drive?

Yes. The Windows Backup and Restore Utility gives you the option to make a duplicate copy of all the data on your hard drive if you wish.

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Why RAID1 provides resilience?

Raid 1 provides a duplicate copy of the data. Essentially, it uses 50% of the storage capacity as a copy of the other 50%; a failure on one drive will cause no loss of data so long as the bad drive is replaced and synced with the surviving drive before it fails.

What is he command to copy myfiledat from the root directory of drive a to the data folder on drive c?

COPY A:\ C:\DATA (note that there's a space between a:\ and C:\data)The command you use will depend on the operating system you're using.On Windows, the command is copy. The following example would copy the file to the windows folder on drive c: copy a:\myfiledat c:\windowsOn Linux, the command is cp.When using either of these commands, if either the source file or destination folder/file contains spaces you'll have to place quotes around it. copy a:\myfiledat "c:\folder with spaces"

How can you replace a hard drive that has windows on it?

Whether or not the hard drive has Windows installed on it is irrelevant to the actual process of replacing the drive. if you want to preserve the current Windows installation, you'll need to use hard drive imaging software to copy the data from the old drive. Otherwise, you can simply replace the drive and reinstall Windows as you would normally.

Can you del Windows 7 and reinsall Windows Vista or Windows XP?

Yes, you can delete windows 7 by formatting your drive, but all of your files will be gone. If you have two hard drives, you can either copy your data from one drive to the other or put xp/vista on the second one and use the windows 7 drive as a slave.

How to use a carbon copy cloner?

To use a Carbon Copy Cloner, you need to first install the software on your computer. Then, launch the application and select the source drive (the drive you want to clone) and the destination drive (where you want to copy the data to). Follow the on-screen instructions to start the cloning process, which will create an exact duplicate of your source drive on the destination drive.

What is duplicate?

well duplication of data means that same information is being used or entered more then once....

How do you get information onto a hard drive?

You just copy your data to the hard drive somehow. It is just a matter of finding out how the system identifies the hard drive and accessing that device.For instance, in MS-DOS, if you wanted to copy something to the hard drive you could issue a command such as:COPY A:\*.* C:\That would copy the entire contents of the root directory of the floppy in drive A: to the root directory of the hard drive identified as drive C:.On Windows, if you have something on a CD in drive E: that you want to copy to drive C:, you could just drag and drop it. Just open up the 2 windows that you want to copy between, make the selections on the source folder, and drag them to the window of the destination folder.

What software recovers lost data due to formatting error?

you have physical errors on the hard drive itself usually S.M.A.R.T. errors when first booting, before Windows. you can recover the data through Window starting up/ or running, your best bet is to reinstall/rescue your copy of windows. If you have the original Windows CD

How can you boot hard drive when it tells you windows system32 lost or corrupted?

You won't be able to boot unless you can repair the operating system. If you have an install disk you can try and attempt a repair. If this is critcal data, you may want to purchase a new drive, install your OS, and hook the bad drive up as a second drive. You can then copy your data to the new drive. You won't be able to boot unless you can repair the operating system. If you have an install disk you can try and attempt a repair. If this is critcal data, you may want to purchase a new drive, install your OS, and hook the bad drive up as a second drive. You can then copy your data to the new drive.

Insert copy of data disk into drive A?

It sounds like you are trying to install a program, and it needs the data disk to be put into A Drive.