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Address in a private range will not be routed on the internet backbone

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Q: What will happen if a private ip address is assigned to a public interface connected to an isp?
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What is the difference between public ip and private ip?

A public IP address is assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider while your private IP is assigned to you by your internal router. You can loacte your public IP address on

How many ip address can be assigned to a nic?

the IP address is assigned to your computer by your DHCP server you can only have 1 true ip address, although you can have ghost ip address and private ip addresses Private Addresses are not routable through the internet Ghosts IP addresses are normally used to cover something up, usually something illegal ;)

What is difference between a public and local ip?

A global IP address is assigned to a computer or modem by an internet service provider and can be communicated with from anywhere on the internet. Global IP addresses are unique and assigned only to a single computer or device. Local IP addresses (Private IP Addresses) are assigned by a router and include to, to and to Local IP addresses can only be used to communicate within a closed network. As an example: * Bob's house has two computers and a router. * ** Bob is assigned an IP addresses of by his ISP. ** Both of bob's computers are connected to a router which is connected to the internet. ** *** Router IP: *** **** Local: **** Global: *** Computer one IP: *** Computer two IP: When Bob uses either computer one or two to connect to the internet the traffic is passed by the IP address which is his global IP address. The router acts as a gateway to the internet using this IP address. Bob can however communicate between his two computers within his house using the 192.168. IP addresses. If someone on the internet want's to communicate with Bob they use and the router determines which of Bob's two computers the traffic is intended for as the IP address in this case is actually Bob's router and is not directly assigned to either computer. Local IP addresses must be unique within a network but individual networks can use the same internal IP addresses provided they are not connected. (ie. Company A can only have one, however company B can also have a

What is public and private ip?

A public IP address is assigned to you by your internet Service Provider while your private IP is assigned to you by your internal router. You can loacte your public IP address on

What is the default IP address of Windows?

If you mean when a computer cannot receive a IP address, it is called APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing). What that does is if the computer cannot receive a ip address from the DHCP (Dynamic host control protocol) server. It is assigned a IP address to Note: Keep in mind you will not be able to access the Internet because this is a private address.

Which type of address is used in Ethernet to direct data to a specific computer through a hub?

Really depends if the hub is connected to a modem and an active ISP then it would be a public IP address from the ISP. If your hub is connected to a router, then it would be a private IP address provided by the router. There are different types of hub, I can post the link for you the varieties. If only computers are connected to the hub, then no ip address.

What is public ip and private ip address?

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the following three blocks of the IP address space for private internets (local networks): - - -, IP addresses in the range of - are reserved for Automatic Private IP Addressing. These IP's should not be used on the Internet. I usually use,, etc. and a subnet mask of when assigning static IP addresses to computers on a small Local Area Networks (LANs). If a DHCP server is also on the LAN it's scope (range of IP addresses that it can assign to computers on the LAN set to obtain their IP addresses automatically) should be adjusted so it does not interfere with locally assigned static IP addresses.

Can ip address be traceable?

Your IP address can be traced back to your ISP. If law enforcement has a valid reason for needing to find you, the ISP can look at their logs, find out which subscriber was assigned the specific IP address at a specific time, and provide authorities with the subscriber's information. IPs can't be traced by private individuals any further than to the ISP which has been assigned the IP range.

An interface can have private instance attributes?

No.The private modifier says that no other class can see that attribute. Since interfaces cannot contain any implemented methods (no functional code), there would be no reason to allow for private members of an interface.

What are private address blocks?

Private spae address blocks are set aside for use in private networks.

What are the private address blocks?

Private spae address blocks are set aside for use in private networks.

What are the IP addresses called that begin with 10?

Private IP Addresse Because of NAT redirection a small company can rely solely on private IP addresse for its internal network and use only the s one public IP assigned to it by is ISP for Internet communication IEEE recommends that the following IP addresse be used for private networks through 10.255.2 through through