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Q: What will do processor by an interrupt pending?
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How are multiple interrupts dealt with?

There are 2 approaches to handle this situation,1.Disable interrupts while an interrupt is being processingin this approach, when the processor is being processing an interrupt, the processor ignores any new interrupt signal and these new signals have to wait in a queue and processor will check after the currently processing interrupt is finished.2. Defining priorities for interruptsin this case, each interrupt has a priority value. When the processor is being executing an interrupt, another interrupt can interrupt and gain the processor if the second interrupt has a higher priority than first oneSource- William Stallings, operating systems Sorry, the word you are looking for is not in the Database

What is interrupt flag?

Interrupt flags are used to interrupt the processor on what it is doing. When the flag is triggered the processor stops what it is doing attends what the flag wants to get done and once that is done it goes back to what it was doing. It is very useful for detect bug.

What is an Interrupt Give two examples of an Interrupt?

Interrupt is nothing but according to the priority of ur instruction the processor will assign memory to it and will keep the bus line busy .

When devices interrupt occurs how does the processor determine which device issued the interrupt?

It's pretty simple. First, the processor must determine which interrupt occurred. On simple hardware setups, you may already know this just by which interrupt handler was called. On more complex hardware, you may have to read status registers in the interrupt controller. Second, the processor has to look up which devices are capable of asserting that interrupt. On simple hardware, generally there is only one device that can trigger each interrupt and this is determined by the way the device is wired. On more complex devices, this may be determined by software and the processor may have to consult tables that were created during the boot process. Third, the processor must determine which of those devices actually asserted the interrupt (if there's more than one). This is typically done by the driver for each device which generally just asks the device if it triggered an interrupt. Most devices have status registers that either directly tell you whether it caused an interrupt or tell you whether the device needs service which was the point of the interrupt anyway.

What is the use of interrupt vector?

An interrupt vector is the memory address of an interrupt handler, or an index into an array called an interrupt vector table or dispatch table. Interrupt vector tables contain the memory addresses of interrupt handlers. When an interrupt is generated, the processor saves its execution state via a context switch, and begins execution of the interrupt handler at the interrupt vector.

When an operating system receives an interrupt from the printer and pauses the CPU?

Processor management is the operating system that receives and interrupt from the printer and pauses the CPU.

What is a communications line between a device and the processor?

I believe it is interrupt request line.

Which bus signal line allows a device to request to the processor attention?


What is interrupts and list classes of interrupts in operating system?

An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor execute instructions. It is generated by hardware of computer system. Classes of interrupt:- IBM processor has six types of interrupts. * svc interrupt(supervisor call) *input/output interrupts *external interrupts *Restart interrupts *Program check interrupt *Machine check interrupts

Highest priority interrupt in micro processor?

The highest priority interrupt in a microprocessor is usually the reset interrupt. When a reset occurs, the microprocessor is forced to stop its current operations and begin executing the reset routine. This is critical for initializing the processor and setting it to a known state before starting normal operations.

Which are the highest priority interrupts?

when interrupts requests arrive from two or more devices simultaneously , the process has to decide which request should be serviced first and which one should delayed. the processor takes the decision with the help of interrupt priorities.