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to appoint a new leader

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Q: What were the kushites asking their god to do?
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What animal was sacred to the kushites?

sacred animal of the kushites

How did the kushites lose controll of Egypt to the Assyrians?

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When did the kushites live?


What group of people drove the kushites back out of Egypt?

The Assyrians drove Kushites back out of egypt - Kamryn Sneed

How did the saqia help the kushites solve the problem of conserving water?

It helped them by only giving the Kushites a bit of water at a time.

What were the kushites imports?

weapons and tool

What is a calling by God?

It is when God is asking you to complete a task on Earth.

Is Tim Tebow god?

Is Tim tebow good or go if your asking if he is good then yes if your asking if he is god then I do not know....yet

Why did the kushites moved their capital to Meroe to be closer to?

The kushites moved their capital to be close to napata because it

Taoisim who is god?

Who's asking.

How many gods did the kushites have?

50 gods

What are people from Kush called?

Nubians" or"Kushites