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Q: What was the main role of colossus?
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Why was the colossus computer desgined for?

the main objective of the colossus was to break the enigma code

What were the two main problems caused by using the valves on the colossus?

Probably rate of burnout and heat. But this was common to all vacuum tube computers, not just Colossus.

What were the two main problems caused by using the valves on the Colossus computer?

Probably rate of burnout and heat. But this was common to all vacuum tube computers, not just Colossus.

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How do beat a colossus with no hair on 'Shadow of Colossus'?

It depends what number colossus it is

What was the main role for the computer collusus?

The Colossus Computer was constructed to help the code breakers at Bletchley Park, England, to break the German's Enigma codes during World War II. It was the world's first electronic, digital, programmable computer.

What are all the movies Kristen Stewart has starred in?

(background role) 1999 The Thirteenth Year Girl waiting for drink (background role) 2000 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (main role) 2001 The Safety of Objects Sam Jennings (main role) 2002 Panic Room (main role) 2003 Cold Creek Manor (main role) 2004 Speak (main role) 2004 Catch That Kid (main role) 2004 Undertow (main role) 2005 Fierce People (main role) 2005 Zathura (main role) 2007 The Messengers (main role) 2007 In the Land of Women (main role) 2007 The Cake Eaters (minor role) 2007 Into the Wild (main role) 2007 Cutlass (short film) (cameo) 2008 Jumper (minor role) 2008 What Just Happened (main role) 2008 Twilight (main role) 2009 Adventureland (main role) 2009 New Moon (main role) 2010 The Yellow Handkerchief (main role) 2010 The Runaways (main role) 2010 Welcome to the Rileys (main role) 2010 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Where was colossus built?

colossus was bulit in rhodes

Which city is The Colossus?

The Colossus was in Rhodes but an earthquake destroyed it.

Colossus in a sentence?

the Bible is considered a colossus to Christians .

Where is The Colossus the Rhodes?

The colossus of Rhodes WAS in the city of Rhodes

Where is the colossus Rhodes?

The colossus of Rhodes WAS in the city of Rhodes