About $60-$70. In British pounds= you do the math. But if that isn't right don't hate, my 8th grade history teacher told me this in class today.
An electric or gas refrigerator was a relative rarity in 1930. They were quite expensive compared to the average wage. A new gas refrigerator cost about $150 in 1930s dollars.
How much it would cost to add Freon to your refrigerator will vary based on several factors. The cost is determined by your supplier and the amount required with the average cost is being about $8.
A gas refrigerator is only cost effective when there is no access to electrical outlets. They are otherwise costly and are used mostly for travel trailers and RVs.
People are not sure who make a refrigerator.(:
see History.com -- history of the refrigerator
The cost of a commercial refrigerator depends a lot on the brand and the "extras" you get on the fridge. Average prices for a commercial fridge can start at around $600 and can climb to over $3000.
Oliver Evans came up with the blueprints for the first refrigerator in 1804. Oliver Evans came up with the blueprints for the first refrigerator in 1804.
The refrigerator was invented by John Gorrie.
Thefirst electric refrigerator was sold 1928
thomas Moore invented the fridge freezer and refrigerator
like 500 hundo dollars