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Q: What type of software to use that will allow two or more people on a network to work on the same information at the same time?
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What is the purpose of a software remote?

Remote Access software supports connection to PC on a home network from outside the network. This can allow you to retrieve personal data or assist someone with network issues whilst not at home.

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What is the computer network?

It is simply a network of computers connected together by different communication channels that allow sharing of data and information.

Which type of attack does not require a software or hardware mechanism to succeed?

Social EngineeringAnswer Explanation: Social Engineering occurs when an attacker gains information about a computer or about a network from someone. Attackers do not need software or hardware devices to succeed at Social Engineering. Attackers merely need to find a way to gain the correct information from an employee or from anyone that has this information to be able to use it maliciously. The best defense against this type of attack is to educate employees against giving up information that may allow an outsider to gain access to network resources.

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What exactly is Timeline software?

The timeline software is a software that will allow you to go through many things like the past information that you have gone through in the past few months.

What can one do to improve low network latency?

Latency is defined as the network speed in which the information being broadcast from the original server reaches the individual's device by measurement of milliseconds. This means that a lower latency will allow more information to be sent or received and thus, creating a better experience. Improving low network latency can be accomplished by establishing more latency-sensitive software so that multiple tasks and improved performance can occur.

What are the benefits of using network performance monitoring software?

The purpose of network performance monitoring is to allow network administrators to create the best operating condition by reporting on the network activity and locating where the network is not operating to it's full potential. Network Performance Monitoring can find faulty routers and switches as well as identifying networks that are hogging the bandwidth.

Which type of software stores client information in one central database?

A lot of applications store information about clients, but Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is specifically designed to allow organisations to store information about their clients.

What software will allow you use customer tracking for future projects?

NovoSolutions ( has customer tracking software that will assist you with future projects. Their software includes features that will allow you to access historical customer records and generate leads from information about previous customers.

What is the purpose of lookup tables in spreadsheet software?

Answer this question… They allow the user to retrieve information from another location in a table.

What is the Definition of communication software?

Communication software is materials and programs used to allow people remote access to a computer or program they would not have access to. It also, provides the exchange of information such as messages, files, documents, etc... in real time from one location to another.