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date and time is one of them it also stores settings about drivers on the computer

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Q: What type of data does a CMOS chips hold?
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What is the type of data that a particular field is designed to hold?

Data type.

What are the Access data types and how they are used?

In Access and in databases in general each field in a database table is of a certain data type. The data type determines what type of data a field can hold. A field of the text data type can hold text, a field of the number data type can hold numbers and a field of the data/time data type can hold date and time values.Access actively checks what type of data is entered into a field and Access will disallow the entry of data into a field that doesn't conform to the field's data type. Access won't allow you to put text into a field of the Number data type, for example.So, data types are a way to restrict the entry of data into a field. Internally, the database uses different strategies for the storage and retrieval of different data types.

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A DVD can hold up to 50 GB of data.

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No, we cant hold different data types in an Array. But using Array List we can hold any data type as a Object. But you need iterate that values as a Object and again you need to convert those values into the different data types accordingly.

What is the CMOS and how does it work?

CMOS stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor. It is a technology used to create integrated circuits (such as microprocessors and memory chips) that consume very little power. CMOS works by using pairs of "complementary" logic gates (one P-type and one N-type) that only consume power when they switch states, allowing for efficient operation in electronic devices.

Memory is a type of chip that requires no power to hold data?


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What type of product is a cmos mux?

A CMOS Mux is a piece of technology that is used to create integrated circuits that are used in electronics. The full name of 'CMOS' is Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor.

State three types of data stored in RAM?

Three types? Where did you hear this from? There is only one way RAM stores data. Data is not a type. RAM stores information in binary form. There are microscopic capacitors in the RAM chips which either store a charge (on, 1) or have no charge (off, 0). But RAM can hold all kinds of information that a computer uses. It can hold CPU instructions, hard disk information, graphics data, text, numbers, decimals, etc.

How does the bios relate to the cmos?

BIOS (basic input output system) is the menu system programmed into the firmware of your motherboard which allows you to change its settings and input some basic hardware information. CMOS (copper metal oxide semiconductor) is a type of battery. It is the type of battery most commonly used on motherboards to power the circuit which remembers the BIOS settings and system time. Without a CMOS battery, this data will be lost every time the system is powered off. In common nomenclature, these two phrases are often used interchangeably. Some people will refer to the BIOS menu as the CMOS menu, and will refer to the CMOS battery as the BIOS battery.

What is a CMOS processor?

CMOS is a type of material, not a specific type of processor. That is short for Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon. CMOS devices tend to use less power and tend to be faster than their older counterparts. So a CMOS processor is a processor made using the CMOS material. For instance the V20 chip is a 3rd party CMOS variation of Intel's 8088 CPU. The V20 is 10-20% faster and uses less power than the 8088.