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Q: What two dragons do you breed to get the island Dragon in Dragon Story?
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the water dragon and the forest dragon

What do moon and sun dragons breed?

You can't breed a Sun Dragon with a Moon Dragon because they are not compatible.

What dragons do you need to breed to get an eagle dragon on dragon story?

to breed an eagle dragon put a fire dragon on the left and a air dragon on the right in the breeding den have fun with your game (:

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What to dragons make the planet dragon in dragon story?

Well, breed a level 6-10 fire and magic dragon to get a planet

What dragons to breed to get garnet dragon?

You breed the smoke and obsidian dragons, but you will can only get a Garnet Dragon in January.

How do you make a purple dragon in dragon story fairy tail?

To create a purple dragon in Dragon Story: Fairy Tail, you will need to breed dragons with purple traits or colors. Try combining dragons with purple elements such as the Amethyst Dragon or the Twilight Dragon to increase the chances of getting a purple dragon offspring. Experiment with different combinations until you successfully breed a purple dragon.

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You can breed a Meteor Dragon by an air and metal dragon.

What dragons do breed to get a turquoise dragon?

turquoise dragons do because when they breed they normally breed there type like a human will breed a human and and turquoise dragon will breed a turquoise

What dragons do you breed to get the jade dragon in DragonVale?

You have to breed a plasma dragon with a salamander dragon.

How do you get a gold Olympus dragon on DragonVale?

You breed the Willow Dragon and the Quake Dragon on the Epic Breeding Island. You also have a chance of getting a silver or bronze dragon when you breed, but you will just have to keep at it! It helps when your dragons are level 10.

How do you breed really rare dragons in DragonVale?

It really depends on which dragon you want to get. One way is to buy the epic breeding island. If you breed on it, you'll have a higher chance of getting rare dragons.