Halfway between south and east is southeast.
The distance between East Lansing and Ann Arbor Michigan is approximately 65 miles.
The address of the East Lansing Public Library is: 950 Abbot Road, East Lansing, 48823 3105
The address of the East Lansing Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 6146, East Lansing, MI 48826-4882
Assuming you're in Michigan, there's an Allendale a little bit west of Grand Rapids, about 90 miles from East Lansing.
Where can I find a new Apt. in Lansing, Michigan, or East Lansing , or Okemos Michigan. Or Lansing, MI?
Try asking google.
'East' and 'West' are both midway between north and south.
The Peoples Church of East Lansing was created in 1907.
The address of the Lansing Model Railroad Club Inc is: Po Box 1305, East Lansing, MI 48826-1305
For example, north-east is halfway between north and east.