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Both GIF and JPG file types are used primarily for images. Each type provides a different set of benefits and deficits. The file's intended purpose will dictate which type you should use.


The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file type was developed by Unisys in 1987 and has been a standard image format since then. JPG, also referred to as JPEG, files emerged in 1994 as an image format developed by the Joint Photograph Experts Group.


GIF is ideal for simple, solid images such as lettering, line drawings and icons. GIF file size is smaller than JPEG, and this format supports animation and transparency. JPG is a default setting for most digital cameras. JPG files support 16 million colors and are ideal for images that contain blended colors and gradients.


GIF files, with a maximum of 256 colors, have limited color variation. JPEG file size is proportionally very large.


Because the size for these two types of graphics files is so different, this factor could dictate whether you use a GIF or a JPG file. A 500-kilobyte GIF file will not appear as clear and crisp as the same image in a 500-kilobyte JPG format.


If you are creating a basic line drawing or animation, the GIF file format will work well. For photographs and multicolor graphics, the JPG format is a better choice.
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