Computer restarting automatically usually means that there is a hardware error or possibly a virus, if you usually back up your documents, the easiest way is to just reinstall windows and the restore everything from its backup location. If you do not back up your files, then you should learn how to and start because of things like this. Bring you computer to your local computer repair shop if you are still unsure and they can help you.
My dear friend,
You may think its good to call technician for it, but stop are you checked following things ?
1) See weather there is any loose connection to your system. The loose wire is most common reason of restarting computer.
2) See weather is there any power policy is set ? your PC may restart due to power policy you have set (or by any software). To see this go to start > control panel > performance and maintenance > power option (for windows).
3) Are you installed a new software or hardware after which your computer is started restarting ? if yes then uninstall it and contact software / hardware dealer.
4) Is there is unexpected shut down of your computer last time before it started restarting ? if yes it may be problem of carrepted OS.
These are most common problem that may cause your PC to restart. Most of them are easy to fix. Remember, its not wise to open your system case if you don't know about it.
it depends on what kind of restart youre talking about.
if the systems turns off ad back on out of the blue, there must be some hardware problem like faulty Power Supply Unit or a overheating processor (which is caused by a faulty cooling system, check the fan, it might be dead)
if you experience a frequent random Operating System restart and a System Recovery didnt help you i may suggest a full hard drive format and a fresh windows install. it could be because of corrupt registry / virus.
Your problem is probably software but it may be hardware related.
If your computer stays up long enough to do the following than try the these one at a time and if the problem is fixed you are done:
If you know what you are doing, you can use a bootable diagnostic cd or usb drive such as Hiren, UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD), etc. to run the above and other diagnostics and to try to fix your machine. Of course,you will need another reliable computer to download and burn the CD/DVD (or flash drive) since you don't want the reboot happening in the middle.
The following site tells you how to stop automatic windows updates from crashing your computer...
You can try restarting the ipod and then restarting the computer and that should work If it doesn't I'm sorry, but it worked for me.
Computer when Hangs needs restarting.
Computers don't restart after shutting down. You probably have some setting on your OS which give the computer the command to always reboot. Change that setting.
Starting or restarting a computer.
Scan your computer with antivirus software , your computer may be affected by a computer virus.
many reasons but just scan your computer to be on the safeside
It's usually called 're-booting'.
Warm booting is the restarting of a computer
Same as restarting. It helps when your computer is running slow from all the programs that you run on it.