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Types of middleware

Message-oriented Middleware

Message-oriented middleware is middleware where transactions or event notifications are delivered between disparate systems or components by way of messages, often via an enterprise messaging system.

Enterprise messaging system

An enterprise messaging system is a type of middleware that facilitates message passing between disparate systems or components in standard formats, often using XML, SOAP or web services.

Message broker

Part of an enterprise messaging system, message broker software may queue, duplicate, translate and deliver messages to disparate systems or components in a messaging system.

Enterprise Service Bus

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is defined by the Burton Group [11]as "some type of integration middleware product that supports both MOM and Web services".


Other sources[citation needed] include these additional classifications:

  • Transaction processing monitors - Provides tools and an environment to develop and deploy distributed applications.[citation needed]
  • Application servers - software installed on a computer to facilitate the serving (running) of other applications.[citation needed]

Hurwitz classification system

Judith Hurwitz created a classification system for middleware in her article Sorting Out Middleware.[12].

Remote Procedure Call

With Remote Procedure Call middleware, a client makes calls to procedures running on remote

Message Oriented Middleware

With Message Oriented Middleware, messages sent to the client are collected and stored until they are acted upon, while the client continues with other processing.

Object Request Broker

With Object Request Broker middleware, it is possible for applications to send objects and

SQL-oriented Data Access

SQL-oriented Data Access is middleware between applications and database servers.

Embedded middleware

Embedded middleware provides communication services and integration interface software/firmware that operates between embedded applications and the real time op.

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There are a number of definitions for the term "middleware." One such definition is that middleware refers to a type of computer software that bridges the gap between applications and software components.

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What is middleware?

Middleware is a vital yet often overlooked component in the world of computing. It serves as the glue that binds together different, often complex, systems and applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out in the field of IT, understanding middleware is crucial for designing and managing effective software solutions. At its core, middleware is software that lies between an operating system and the applications running on it. Essentially, it's a hidden layer that enables communication and data management for distributed applications. Think of it as a translator, ensuring that distinct pieces of software, possibly written in different programming languages or running on different platforms, can communicate and work together seamlessly. One of the primary roles of middleware is to simplify the development of applications that need to run on multiple systems or networks. It manages the intricate details of the communication between the database, server, and application. Without middleware, developers would need to write additional code to handle these communications and data exchanges, which can be both time-consuming and error-prone. Middleware comes in various forms, each serving a different purpose. There are message-oriented middleware, database middleware, application server middleware, cloud middleware, and more. Each type addresses specific communication challenges and requirements. For instance, message-oriented middleware (MOM) enables different systems to communicate through messages, which is crucial in distributed applications where components are spread across multiple networked machines. Another crucial aspect of middleware is its role in facilitating transaction management, security, and data management. For example, in a banking application, middleware ensures that transactions are processed reliably and securely across various networks and databases. It also helps manage the load on servers, providing scalability and improving the application's overall performance. Middleware also plays a pivotal role in modern enterprise architectures like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) or microservices. In these architectures, middleware provides the essential services for component communication, such as web services, RESTful API support, and more. This allows for building flexible, modular applications where components can be added, removed, or updated independently. As the world moves more towards cloud computing, middleware has evolved to meet the new challenges this presents. Cloud middleware provides the necessary tools to integrate applications, data, and systems that reside in the cloud, making cloud adoption more seamless for businesses. However, implementing middleware isn't without its challenges. One must carefully consider the compatibility of the chosen middleware with existing systems, its scalability, performance, and the level of support provided. Additionally, there's the aspect of security – ensuring that the middleware does not become a weak link in the application's security chain. In conclusion, middleware is an indispensable part of modern computing, providing the necessary infrastructure for seamless communication and interaction between different software applications and systems. Its importance in the development and operation of distributed applications, particularly in complex, multi-platform environments, cannot be overstated. For anyone in the field of IT, a solid understanding of middleware and its applications is a valuable asset.

What are the advantages of middleware?

A typical middleware provides Application high availability solutions, Security, Transaction management facility, Database connectivity,naming services & many more.It reduces the coding efforts for programmers and hence cost. Therefore it is advantages to use a middleware

How does a middleware work?

Middleware functions in software development are used to process requests from a client before they reach the intended endpoint. They can modify or reject requests, perform additional tasks such as logging or authentication, and pass the request along to the next middleware in the chain. Middleware acts as a bridge that intercepts and processes data between the client and the server.

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various types of audit

What category of software is WebSphere classified into?

Application and integration middleware

What translates requests and responses between a client and a server?
