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The computer's BIOS.

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Q: What tells your computer to display your desktop start programs display the time and show you where your files are kept?
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Does the desktop display menu bars for easy access to files and programs?

The desktop displays menu bars for easy access to files and programs.

Which is used to access files and programs on the computer?

Icons are used to access files and programs on the computer.

Does the boot sector give initial instructions when the computer is booted?

Kind of - It tells the computer to start up the initial files to get the computer 'up and running'. These are files such as driver programs for the display, keyboard, mouse, screen, printer etc, along with disk controllers, operating system and internet access programs.

What are disadvantage of computer virus?

Viruses can cause many problems on your computer. Usually, they display pop-up ads on your desktop or steal your information. Some of the more nasty ones can even crash your computer or delete your files.

What are the Effect of computer virus?

Viruses can have any number of effects on your computer. Usually, they display pop-up ads on your desktop or steal your information. Some of the more nasty ones can even crash your computer or delete your files.

Difference between desktop computer and personal computer?

The difference between desktop computer and personal computer is that desktop computer is for everyone and personal computer is for your own self!

Where do you put computer files you care about?

you should create a folder on your desktop and put the files there

What is the difference between a personal computer a server computer?

A server computer serves other computers (in a network) with programs and/or files. Think of it like a cafeteria. You get your tray (computer), walk down the line (pull down the file menu), when you see something you need or want you ask for it to be put on your tray (downloaded to your desktop computer). Your desktop computer is the same as a personal computer.

What is the best desktop program for use with GEDCOM files created by WikiTree?

There are many desktop application programs that will run GEDCOM files. However, this question asks if one or some of these programs are know to work better than others with GEDCOM files created by the WikiTree online program. This question assumes there is no personal, desktop version of WikiTree.

what exactly is a virtual desktop?

It is a program that provides secure access to your programs and files. I hope that this answer has helped you out and that you fully understand exactly what a virtual desktop is.

What are xp boot files?

Files the Computer runs during startup. Gennerally before you even enter desktop.

What does a Laptop Hard drive do?

A laptop hard drive fills the same function a hard drive in a desktop computer does. Which is to store all the information on the computer. This includes documents, pictures, video files and programs, including the operating system.