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All Tablets should be able to be used Aboard! However if you use 3G on your iPad, You need to contact your Carrier about charges of using 3G aboard as they are normally higher than using your iPad in your Own Country!

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Q: What tablets can you use in Mexico if bought in the US?
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Only southern New Mexico and Arizona qualify as such.

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It is when the US bought the land on the southern tips of New Mexico and Arizona from Mexico, right after the Mexican War in the year 1853. It was bought for railroads.

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Just by canceling debt owed by Mexico. It was 10 million in 1853 dollars.

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yes, you can. My dad bought it as a present to his friend who lives in Mexico and he got it from a store there;)

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The Gadsden Purchase of 1853, named for ambassador James Gadsden, was for a strip of Mexican land which the US bought in order to build a transcontinental railroad through it and to settle some of the border issues between the US and Mexico.

What to section was the smallest and was bought from Mexico so that us could out rail road there?

The Gadsden Purchase (1853) which included present-day southern Arizona and New Mexico.