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In G-type stars, this would be the white dwarf stage. More massive stars could continue to fuse ever heavier elements, until the fusion products consist mainly of iron, and the stellar core collapses into a neutron star or a black hole.

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Q: What stage of stellar evolution marks the end of helium fusion?
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What event marks a birth of a star?

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What event marks the birth of stars?

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The onset of which event marks the change of a protostar into a star-?

The nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium

The onset of which event marks the change of a protostar into a star?

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What happens in the core that marks the birth of a star?

Nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.

What happen in the core that marks the birth of a star?

Nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.

What event marks the birth of a star?

The birth of a star occurs when a cloud of gas and dust in space collapses under its own gravity, leading to nuclear fusion in its core. This fusion process ignites the star, creating light and heat.

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What is helium flash?

A helium flash is a brief event that occurs during the later stages of stellar evolution in low to medium-mass stars (like the Sun). It happens when the core of the star rapidly heats up and ignites helium fusion, causing a sudden burst of energy production. This phase marks the transition from burning hydrogen to burning helium in the core.

What do you call a star out of gas?

Technically, they never run out of gas. A process called fusion combines huge amounts of hydrogen to make helium. When all of the hydrogen runs out, fusion takes place on the helium and the star rapidly increases in size.

When a protostar rises to 10000000 degrees celsius will a protostar become a star before or after nuclear fusion?

A protostar must reach about 10 million degrees Celsius for nuclear fusion to start in its core, triggering the transition into a true star. This marks the point where hydrogen atoms begin fusing into helium, releasing energy in the process. So, a protostar will become a full-fledged star after nuclear fusion begins at this temperature.

What characterizes a star leaving the Main-Sequence?

A star leaving the Main Sequence indicates that it has exhausted the hydrogen fuel in its core. As a result, the core contracts and heats up, causing the outer layers to expand and cool, leading to the star becoming a red giant. This phase marks the transition to the later stages of stellar evolution.