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Q: What stage is it when you examine ideas using a graphic organizer?
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By creating a 5W organizer

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How do you move from the unreflective thinker stage to the challenged thinker stage?

To move from the unreflective thinker stage to the challenged thinker stage, one must start questioning assumptions, beliefs, and information. This involves seeking various perspectives, actively engaging with new ideas, and being open to criticism and feedback. Developing critical thinking skills and actively participating in discussions or debates can also help transition to the challenged thinker stage.

In which stage of the writing process do you begin to write your ideas in a rough format?

Drafting Stage

How do you insert a background in Adobe Flash?

You could either create your own graphic and place it in the bottom (locked) layer on the timeline panel, or you can click on the menu FILE > IMPORT > TO STAGE and load almost any graphic that suits your document properties. You can then open the ALIGN panel (CTRL + I) and set the graphic to match the stage dimensions or right-click anywhere on the stage and choose DOCUMENT PROPERTIES and set the dimensions to the image you imported.

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What new religious ideas set the stage for the reform movements of the mid-19th?

what new religious ideas set the stage for reform movements of the mi-19th century?

How does the first stage of the prewriting Phase different from the second?

In the first stage of the prewriting phase, you generate ideas through brainstorming, freewriting, or mind mapping. In the second stage, you organize and structure these ideas into an outline or plan for your writing.

In the global revision stage you look at three different but related areas?

During the global revision stage, you review your overall argument or thesis to ensure it is clear and well-supported. You also examine the structure of your paper to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Lastly, you check for consistency in tone and style throughout the document.

Which stage follows brainstorming?

The stage that typically follows brainstorming is organizing and categorizing ideas. This involves sorting through the generated ideas, identifying common themes, and grouping related ideas together to prepare for further development and implementation.

What is the name of the part of the microscope where you set the slide?

The stage is the part of the microscope where you place the slide for viewing. You can adjust the position of the slide on the stage to examine different areas under the microscope.

The stage in which you jot down ideas in a rough form?

The stage in which you jot down ideas in a rough form is typically called the brainstorming stage. This is where you gather all your thoughts and ideas without worrying about structure or detail. Brainstorming allows for creativity and innovation to flow freely before moving on to more polished versions.