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You could try Quicken. But the best advice would be to make some comparisons on your own. Do your research: read reviews, check to be sure the software will meet all the needs of your business, how difficult is it to learn, will you be able to upgrade easily or at all. And, this is very important, does the company provide tech support? If it does, find out if it's free or how much it will cost. Some companies charge an outrageous amount per call for live tech support. Quick books is a good program to use for small business. You can categorize your job cost centers with your revenue. I have used both Peachtree and Quickbooks to manage start-up businesses that ranged from $0 revenue per year to $25 million revenue per year. Both are adequate and streamline most typical business processes. I have a preference for QB, but that is probably due more to familiarity. A couple of caveats: If you are not an experienced bookkeeper or CPA, take what training (on line or in class) you can get. Having a reasonable understanding of how all of the different activities fit together will prevent alot of errors. Don't overestimate these packages' functionality, particularly if you are doing any kind of manufacturing. They will work in a simple environment, but I still do quite a bit of cost accounting in separate spreadsheets. If you are doing transaction is foreign currencies, make sure you understand what each package can and cannot do. I have found that QuickBooks is the best for a small business and is very easy to learn.

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Q: What software program is good for running small business A-P A-R bank account profits expenses etc?
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