Speech-recognition software or (voice-recognition software)
application software
Words that can be made from the letters in 'dictate' are:aaceacedacidactactedadaidaideatateatticcadcadetcatciteciteddatedicediedieteatedicteditIiceicedidideaittacittacttadtatteateattictidetietied
Graphics is about pictures, images, letters and symbols. Software are the instructions to a computer to do things. Graphics software are computer tools that lets you draw and write things to create images, pictures and symbols.
application software
Multimedia software, such as Windows Media Player, lets you view pictures and hear sounds.
Application Software (From the book Technology in Action)
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the most popular voice dictation software. However, there is a built-in voice recognition software in the more current versions of Windows.
Dragon Dictate software is widely available at Office Depot, CostCaptain, Amazon, Staples, and many other office supply outlets. The Dragon Dictation application for iPhone and iPad is available through the iTunes store.
Application software
ableton 8
yes it is.