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Q: What program allowed people to live and conduct research in space?
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This program allowed people to live and conduct reserch in space?

The program that allowed people to live and conduct research in space is the International Space Station (ISS). It is a multinational collaborative project involving multiple space agencies, including NASA, Roscosmos, and the European Space Agency, among others. Crew members on the ISS conduct experiments in various scientific fields to further our understanding of space and its effects on the human body.

This program allowed people to live and conduct research in space?

The International Space Station (ISS) is a space station that allows astronauts to live and conduct research in space for extended periods of time. It has been continuously inhabited since November 2000 and serves as a microgravity research laboratory for various scientific experiments.

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Nope - ANYONE can conduct research !

What are the problems of research in Nigeria?

There is often not enough money to give out for the research. There also are not enough people to conduct the research.

Does someone has ISRO Sample Paper for Research Program?

Yes. There a number of people who have ISRO sample Paper for Research Program.

What is science research associates?

A person who assists a scientist as they conduct research. These people are typically students who are learning from an experienced scientist.

How space shuttle change space program?

The space shuttle program revolutionized the space program by providing a reusable spacecraft capable of carrying crew and cargo to space. It enabled the construction of the International Space Station and deployed satellites, telescopes, and other missions. The space shuttle also allowed for astronauts to conduct scientific research and experiments in space for extended durations.

What does a Clinical Research Training Program typically consist of?

A Clinical Research Training Program consists of people performing and learning clinical research. They have to plan their own clinical research and present it. Theses are people learning about how to do clinical things. You must sign up to be involved.

Is researchers a verb?

"Researchers" is not a verb; it is a plural noun referring to people who conduct research.

When you conduct a survey to see how people feel about a certain product you are?

Conducting attitude research 100%

Why should people be allowed to vist Antarctica?

People are allowed to visit Antarctica, and it is proper. There are treaties that govern visitor conduct south of 60 degrees S, and so long as the visitor obeys these guidelines, visiting Antarctica can be life-changing.

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Upon research on this question, I discovered that people are infact allowed to hunt sea otters, although many would disagree with such a practice and fight to defend the lives of defenseless animals.