If you are donating technology, make sure the equipment is still usable. Also make sure any sensitive or personal data is removed from the device. I do not see any problems with donating technology, just make sure you follow the advice above.
The aid donating process tends to lack transparency. This makes people skeptical about whether their money is being used for the declared purpose.
The DMV website have information about donating new or used cars. They have information regarding how to do it, the possible problems and tax issues related to the process.
Use data wiping software and delete any hard drive partitions.
Programmers DO NOT build computers, they write software for computers.
in the olden days they used computers to type and do math problems and that's it!!!! that's why today we are glad to have such advanced computers
Prolonged use can cause wrist/arm and back problems.
Problems associated with instreing and motive instering in computers?
You have to place computer at comfortable height. Computers are going to create many more problems in future.
No, on their own computers can not solve the problems of humanity, only humans can do that. However, computers are powerful tools that can be used to model various aspect of the real world. If human have managed to to get these model correct then computers are now fast enough to calculate what these models will predict in the future. Armed with these predictions humans may be capable of making choices that help to solve human problems.