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The CREATE SESSION system privilege

by legrand charles(B.E CSE)

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Q: What privilege should a user is given to log on to the oracle server?
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An absolute privilege is a privilege given to lawmakers to prevent them being sued for libel or slander when making statements.

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A prophet is an oracle as is a seer, though a seer is greater than a prophet. Any person blessed with the spirit of God may be given the authority to act in in the calling of an oracle.

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There are no specified prerequisites for the Oracle DBA training, if you do not have prior knowledge individuals will be given additional course work to complete.

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The term "privilege" in Tagalog can be translated as "pribilehiyo" or "karapatan." It refers to a special advantage or benefit that is given to a specific individual or group, often resulting in unequal treatment or opportunities.

Driving is the right given to all teenagers in America.?

No. Driving is not a right- it is a privilege. It is earned, and like any privilege, can be revoked.

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The Sternewirth Privilege...minor spelling correction. Some books show it as sternwirth

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Javadoc from Oracle Corporation is used for generating API documents in HTML format. These documents can be viewed and edited online by anyone who is given access to them.