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The screen - or a printer.

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Q: What pieces of hardware give output from the computer?
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Related questions

Does hardware refer to the programs that give commands to the computers?

No, it is known as Software. Hardware is the physical components that make up the actual computer.

Is the CPU an output hardware?

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is an input and output device. Think of it as the brain of your computer. You give it commands by typing on the keyboard, moving the mouse, etc (input) and the CPU processes this command and tells the computer to display text on the monitor or move the cursor to a new position (output)

Why is a computer an output?

Speaker,monitor,printer are output devices. these give out information regarding the computer.

Is a computer a output device?

Speaker,monitor,printer are output devices. these give out information regarding the computer.

Witch three parts of the computer give output?

The three parts of a computer responsible for output are the data writing output, such as a CD drive or USB drive. The second thing is the display, or screen. The third is the speaker.

What is an input and output control?

In computing, an input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance.An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world.

How to give the correct answer output on the a plus computer science output worksheet and how to you calculate compute the output for a a plus computer science course?

Correcting output on a plus computer is easy. All you have to do is right check and see the right answer.

What are two computer parts that give output?

monitor and speakers

What are implications of computer software on computer hardware?

makes the computer and the hardware within faster or slower, also if its a big software file it can give you less hard drive space.

What is an out put in computer?

Output is what the computer gives you. This could be information on a screen, loudspeaker sound, a printed page, or if the computer is used as a controller, flight control surface angles for an airplane.

What are examples of human computer interaction?

to give input to the computer, human uses either of keyboard , mouse , joystick etc so that computer can give best of the output ..

What is an output device give 3 examples?

an output device ar devices that are used to retrieve information from the computer..example:speaker,monitor,plotter