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Tyler Miller

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Q: What part of a computer has good memory can read but it cant write?
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What has very good memory can read but cant write?

my mom

Is it true that if you are not good at writing papers you cannot be a computer technician?

You can be anything if you just believe. Unles you cant write papers...Then you can be a computer technician. Sorry bro.

Is memory loss good?

no then it means you cant remember aything

What do you have to consider when adding memory modules to a computer?

When the computer starts to present loss of memory or becoming forgetful. 2 to 4 GB is a good amount of memory for any computer.

What is good computer memory?

4 gb ddr3

What is good memory for a computer to have?

4 gb ddr3

What has a very good memory can read but not write?


Your computer has 2 gigs of memory is that bad?

its very good

Can a flip phone restore contacts on its own?

acutely it cant the memory is not as good as now

What have good memory for the computer?

It depends on what kind of computer and how powerful it is but generally when buying a computer there will be a number for memory and hard drive the memory is how much room your have for open programs/clipboard /files open etc. the more memory the better especially if you multitask 4gb is a good amount the hard drive is storage for files such as music picture documents and programs again the more you can get in your price range the better but focus more on the memory to have a fast computer

What are the benefits of using external computer memory?

One of the major benefits of using external computer memory is that it can be unplugged and removed at the end of the computer session and taken to be used on another computer.This is good flexibility

Is it good to have a lot of computer memory?

Yes in short it is. A basic explanation of computer memory (or Random Access Memory or RAM) is the place where your computer stores things in the short term that don't need to be remembered (if they did need to be remembered they would be on the hard drive), the more Memory you have the more data can be stored in this space.