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Q: What pair best matches this pair of words Tadpole - Frog?
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Related questions

How many stages are in frog's life cycle?

There are numerous number of life cycles in a frog's life cycle but it is best to say that the frog has 3 stages.The stage are the egg stage, the tadpole stage (young) and the adult stage (frog)!

Is there four stages in a frogs life?

Well it can vary depending on how you look at it. The first stage is when 2 frogs mate. Then comes the Spawn (egg-mass) Then is the Egg Next comes the tadpole Then the tadpole grows legs Lastly a young frog, or froglet is created. I hope this helped!

What is the best frog to get?

whites tree frogs/dumpy tree frog/ smiling tree frog

What smaller frog does the red eyed tree frog like to eat best?

the poison dart frog

What do you feed your tadpole?

If you have access to the pond it came from algae (green slimy stuff) would be the best but if not boil lettuce until it gets mushy, let it cool, then drop it in for your tadpole.

How do you know when a tadpole is dead?

There are various ways through which you can tell the age of a frog. The best method is using skeletochronological estimation. This will be done by looking at the growth rings on the toes of the frogs under a microscope.

Where can you get a tree frog?

Your best bet to get a tree frog would be at a reptile show.

What is a meerkats best friend?

a frog

Which princess and the frog song do you like the best?

Speaking for myself only, the Princess and the Frog song I liked the best is "When We're Human".

Which best matches the meaning of afire?

On fire.

What colour of shirt and tie best matches a white white?

White color shirt with MidnightBlue tie is the best matches. then Crimson color tie.

Can you tell what frog you have from the baby frog?

Well, it would be best to wait until the frog/toad has reached it's adult height and size for accuracy.