

Best Answer

A lauge number of organisms have been known to eat birds. Organisms that eat birds include: Large Mamals, Larger birds, Reptiles (snapping turtles) and even Fish (Northern Pike kave been known to eat duckings).

Improved answer:

Any organism can eat a bird - even herbivores do - sometimes - usually without meaning to do so - eat birds. The word "herbivore" means a creature that eats plants only. But as has been written up in the newspapers - cows will eat other cows under the right conditions. (Think processed feed where cows were actually fed ground up parts of other animals including other cows.)

The term "organism" can refer to microscopic bacteria that can consume a bird. Certain types of bacteria can attack a bird while it is alive and others can attack the bird after it has died. Some tiny creatures such as fleas and ticks will eat specific parts of a bird such as the bird's blood. Small creatures such as bobcats, lynx, and other such carnivores will kill and eat birds. Vultures will eat other birds. Larger creatures such as alligators or crocodiles, wolves, puma, and the like often hunt or catch and eat birds, man has either hunted or domesticated birds and eaten them for centuries, and even large creatures such as lions and tiger and bears (Oh My!) have caught and eaten birds. There are various types of marine life that kill and eat birds too. Thus, just like with any organism, almost all of the other organisms are trying to kill and eat it. It is simply how life is here on Earth. As the old Mary Martin song went (At least I think it was Mary Martin who sang it) - Never smile at a crocodile. Never stop and chat a while. Don't be taken in - by his foolish grin. He's only thinking how you will fit within his skin....

Or to put that another way - any organism that is hungry enough and has the opportunity - will eat whatever it can catch. Whether or not it is a bird.

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