Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 both shared the codename "Longhorn" during development at Microsoft.
windows 2000
A special numerical code that prioritizes device requests from the operating system is called
An operating system is made up of many pieces of code, sometimes "bugs" or errors are found to exist in bits of this code. Once these have been found, they are then corrected and a replacement for the code is sent out "as a patch" to people who have the operating system installed.
The Windows 98 operating system contains approximately 13 million lines of code.
The Windows 98 operating system contains approximately 13 million lines of code.
The Windows 98 operating system contains approximately 13 million lines of code.
there are many type of open source operating system like Linux which provide their source code so you may edit it according to your need.but window is not give their source code.
Basically, any operating system is simply instructions written in code the computer understands.
Micro-Kernel: A micro-kernel is a minimal operating system that performs only the essential functions of an operating system. All other operating system functions are performed by system processes. Monolithic: A monolithic operating system is one where all operating system code is in a single executable image and all operating system code runs in system mode