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Q: What must a video card have to support a given combination of color depth and resolution?
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Most of LCD monitors can support only upto 60Khz.So do not make your frequency higher than game display options set widescreen to on. the give errer msg "out of range"90.1khz/60hz plz help

What will be the technical factors affecting a logo when using it in the internet?

Resolution, scaling, color depth, pixelation (if it is in a non-vector format) and format

How can I get a higher color mode?

Your computer should be using high color mode by default. If it isn't make sure you have it enabled in your display properties. Windows 95/98: First click on the START button then hover the mouse over Settings and then click on Control Panel. Now Double click on the Display icon, click on display settings, there should be a slider for your resolution and a drop down box for color, select the resolution/color depth you want. Windows NT/2K/XP: Right click on the desktop(not on an icon or taskbar), select properties, go to display properties, select display propteries, select the resolution/color depth you want. Windows Vista/Windows 7: Right click on the desktop(not on an icon or the taskbar) select Personalize, Select Display Settings, Here you can now choose the resolution/color depth you want. Also make sure you installed the device drivers for your video card(they are found on the manufacture of the video card's site) NOTE: If your resolution drops, this is due to your video card not having enough video memory for the resolution/color depth.

What is resolution depth?

Resolution depth refers to the level of detail that can be distinguished in an image or display. It measures the clarity and sharpness of the image, often in terms of pixels or dots per inch. Higher resolution depth indicates a clearer and more detailed image, while lower resolution depth may result in a more pixelated or blurry image.

What is maximum color depth for svga monitor?

The maximum colorr depth of svga monitor is 16 Million Colors and the resolution is 1280X1024 or even more Source:

What is the difference between sound resolution and video resolution?

Sound Resolution is the depth of frequencies contained in a given audio clip. Video Resolution is the count of pixels in an image or set of images.

Which factor causes lateral resolution to vary with depth?

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What does the term hkcmd stand for in computer language?

HKCMD is typically comes from the Intel graphics drivers for your video cards. It allows for various hotkeys to be assigned to change resolution, color depth, etc.

What is the ability to see details in a microscope called?

The depth of field is the part of a specimen that is in sharp focus; the depth of field decreases as the NA increases. The depth of focus on the other hand is the magnified image in focus on the film plane; depth of focus decreases as magnification increases. To learn more about microscopes and its uses visit the website in the link below.

3MB of dual-port video memory with 24-bit colour depth what is the highest resolution possible?

3000000 bytes = 24000000 bits 24000000 / 24 bits of color information per pixel = 1000000 pixels 1000000 pixels = 1152 x 864 (or any combination that equals 1e6 pixels or less)