if u go on home page click on trailer and the music in dat is music
the music for the 2nd or 3rd trailer is down the rabbit hole. by Murray gold.
There Isn't A Trailer You Probably Saw A Fan Made Trailer
Click this line for the trailer preview: http://wolfquest.org/preview_video_ep2.php
It was original music writen by the Posthaste music library company
Allegretto from Beethoven's Symphony No.7. Is what was played in the trailer.
This trailer music talks about the video games "Merchant Prince" and the Black Death, but mostly tells about the Black Death.
'surface of the sun' and ' come and get them'
the intro music comes from a porno movie from pornhub.com.
Elmer's Scalp Messgae by Videohelper Music Library
The trailer is too high to go under. Let some air out of the tires. Click the left tire, then click and hold the valve stem.
Click on the music note button and click no sound affects or music.