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Q: What mnemonic helps people remember something-ring out your great bells in victory?
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'Ring out your great bells in victory' is a mnemonic to help people remember what?

The colours of the spectrum:Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

What is it called when you use a word to remember something?

This is known as a mnemonic device. Mnemonics are memory aids that help people remember information by associating it with easier-to-recall information.

What do people who must memorize a lot of information and remember it for a long time rely on more than most people?

Do it while you listen to soft music. The hippocampus and mnemonic techniques

What are the drawbacks to using mnemonic devices to remember key concepts?

Using "memory tricks" is actually a great way to improve your memory! There aren't a lot of drawbacks, as anything you do to help you remember something is a good thing. One problem people can have is forgetting the actual mnemonic device! It won't do you any good to know there's some phrase you memorized to help you remember the names of the planets in order if you can't remember what that phrase was.

A mnemonic device is a poem rhyme anagram or other item designed to help a person remember something specific.?

A mnemonic device is a memory aid that helps people retain information by associating it with an easier-to-remember format. These devices can take the form of acronyms, rhymes, songs, or imagery, making it easier to recall information when needed.

What is the mnemonics that helps you spell mother ants dont yell?

A mnemonic is a phrase that helps people remember important facts. This phrase can be remembered using the phrase "Mad artifacts dig yonder".

How do you use mnemonics in a sentence?

As a noun 'mnemonic' (pronounced 'ni-monnik'; the 'm' is silent) describes something designed to remind us of something else.As an adjective it means (of, or relating to, something that) helps the memory, helps people recall information.Example sentences include:'A good mnemonic for remembering which way to turn right-handed screws and light bulbs is: "right tight, left loose".''The old rhyme beginning, "Thirty days hath September," is highly mnemonic; it is still used to remember how many days are in each month,'

What are the Order of operations for evaluating expressions?

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is an often used mnemonic for remember the order of operations.Some people use the acronym PEMDAS.Either way, the order of operations isParentheses, Exponentiation, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction

How has remember the titans portrayed our nation's victory over racism victory?

It showed blacks and whites forced into each others lives unwillingly. Over time, these groups of people learned not only how to tolerate and accept one another, but actually became friends with them.

What does the name Nicole mean?

Nicole comes from the French name, meaning "Victory of the people".The name 'Nicole' means 'victory of the people'. If you want to find any other name meanings, take a look at

What do mnemonic device do?

The purpose is to aid in memory . A rhyme, song, or acrostic allow a person to recall needed information. For example, when someone wishes to know how many days there are in June, he or she can recite the following: "Thirty days have September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except for February, which stands alone."

What is the device or rhyme that helps people to remember words or concepts?

Fifty years ago, we were not as gender aware as we are today. We learned the [standard F and G] clefs this way: G B D F A in the bass or F clef can be remembered with "Good boys deserve five apples." The G clef, E G B D F, could be "Every good boy does fine." But you can come up with your own system. If it's clear and consistent, it will work. And if you practice, you will soon forget the mnemonic device and you will simply read the lines and spaces.