Texas Instruments makes a lot of digital signal processors, which are specialized microprocessors used in communications, video and audio applications. In many cases, they integrate several signal-processing cores, as well as ARM cores used as controllers, and various amounts of memory, on a single chip.
In 1976 TI produces a TMS9900 which was a 16bit 64pin 3.3MHz microprocessor which could have easily propelled them to being the dominate manufacturer of home computers. Today TI produces many different types of microprocessors. Among those are CPU's, ARMs, DSP's and more all of which can be found in cell phones, cars, watches, TV's, cameras and more.
This is best answered if the term microprocessor is more clearly defined.
There are several companies that have made microprocessors. National Semiconductor, AMD, CYRIX, Texas Instruments, and Motorola are just a few examples.
1. Intel 2. AMD 3. Via Technologies 4. Motorola 5. DEC 6. Transmeta 7. MIPS 8. Texas Instruments 9. National Semiconductor 10. NEC
Texas Instruments make graphing calculators, for advanced mathematics. They currently produce around 10 different models with various differences and abilities.
Texas Instruments is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
Texas Instruments was created in 1930.
In the area of Texas Instruments, TMS stands for Texas Memory System, which is a subsidiary of Texas Instruments known for its innovative memory solutions.
The symbol for Texas Instruments Incorporated in NASDAQ is: TXN.
Continued Story with Texas Instruments was created in 1985.
Texas Instruments is a multinational company that designs and manufactures semiconductors and integrated circuits. It does not have a population because it is a corporation, not a geographic location.
Texas Instruments TI-30xIIS calculator?
They use "Texas Instruments"!