There's basically no medications, if your curve is minor your doctor might suggest a chiropractor or if your curve is getting serious then you will be given a brace for your back. But if your curvature is huge then you will have to do a back surgery.
Anti-inflammatory medication - ibuprofen, advil, aleeve are available over the counter. Naproxen is a prescription anti-inflammatory that is sometimes used.
i have it, it is very painful and the start but you get used to it
That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.
scoliosis can not be prevented
Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature
Blood tests are not used to tell if one has scoliosis. Docters use X-rays, and also have the patient bend over.
In general a brace would be used when a curvature of the spine is at 25-40º
effects of scoliosis
scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine
Does Lauren cimorelli have scoliosis
yes that is what scoliosis is
As I have heard, there is no particular alternative treatment for scoliosis. Treatments like biofeedback cannot prevent scoliosis. Exercise has not been confirmed to affect change on scoliosis.