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1 TB simply means that the storage device is precisely 1024 gigabytes, which is a large amount of storage space.

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Q: What means 1 tera bytes?
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What means 1 tera bytes in GB?

Your answer to this question is: 1000 GB in a terabyte (or 1024 GB to be accurate).

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3.955 TB (tera bytes)

What is the prefix meaning trillion?

Tera as in a terabyte = a trillion bytes.

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List of bytes after terabyte?

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1 yottabyte = 1'0248 bytes = 1'208'925'819'614'629'174'706'176 bytes

How do you understand Bytes and Tarahbyte?

if you are asking for terra byte then 1024 byte = 1KB 1024 KB = 1MB 1024 MB = 1GB 1024 GB = 1 TB (tera byte)..

HOW MANY hrtz in a Tera hrtz?

The prefix Tera means 1012, or a million millions.

Another word for a bit?

* 1 byte = 8 bits * 1 kilobyte (K / Kb) = 2^10 bytes = 1,024 bytes * 1 megabyte (M / MB) = 2^20 bytes = 1,048,576 bytes * 1 gigabyte (G / GB) = 2^30 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes * 1 terabyte (T / TB) = 2^40 bytes = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes * 1 petabyte (P / PB) = 2^50 bytes = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes * 1 exabyte (E / EB) = 2^60 bytes = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes taken from

How many bytes equals 1 megabyte?

1 megabyte = 1 048 576 bytes

Computer file sizes in bites?

1 byte 10 bytes 100 bytes 1000 bytes = 1 mb