some attributes that distinguishes you from your peers is:
(for teens)
you doing better in academically in school grade wise playing sport getting achievements.
What have you done to stand out among your peers? Why would our clients want to hire you? What can you do for our clients?
Well according to Santiago Sanfordo (self proclamied genius) an aspect itself helps your peers stand out.
What makes you different from other people is just being yourself and your totally different.Not everyone is like you or does the same things as you so its just yourself that's being unique.
This means that a person is not well respected by their community and/or peers.
What makes it stand out is the twin bell towers.
This phrase is asking about the unique qualities or characteristics that distinguish you from others in a similar group or category, such as your colleagues or classmates. It is prompting you to identify what makes you stand out or be different from your peers.
The candidate's potential for growth and success, as noted in recommendation letters, is compared to that of their peers to assess how they stand out or excel in their abilities and future prospects.
you overlook what you write so your peers help with what you overlooked or misspelled and that makes it easier
Yes, the phrase "fellow peers" makes sense. "Fellow" means someone who is the same or similar to another person, while "peers" refer to people who are in the same group or have the same status. So, "fellow peers" would mean people who are in the same group or have the same status as the person being referred to.
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