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Q: What makes an image look larger than its actual size?
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magnify glass
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What makes an image appear larger than it is in a microscope?

An image can appear larger than it is in a microscope due to the magnification settings of the microscope. By adjusting the lenses and increasing the magnification, the image will look larger. Additionally, the use of immersion oil can improve visibility and increase magnification, making the image appear larger.

The ability to make an image appear larger than it actual size s called?

Magnification. If its a Biology term question, they probably worded it weird like they did with mine.

What type of lens makes objects look smaller?

A concave lens makes objects look smaller. This type of lens diverges light rays, which causes the image to appear smaller than the actual object.

How do things look bigger through a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass uses convex lenses to bend light rays, causing them to converge and form a larger image on our retina. This magnified image appears bigger because our brain interprets the focused light rays as coming from a larger object, hence making the object appear larger than its actual size.

When you look through a telescope why is it stated that you are looking at an image of an image?

Its because you are looking at a mirror reflection of the actual target.

What are lenses that make objects look larger?

You need a convex lens to magnify an image.

An instrument that makes small objects look larger is a?

A Microscope.

What do you see when stand in front of a concave mirror beyond its focus and look at yourself?

you see an inverted real image of yourself

What part of the microscope helps to make an object larger?

The objective lens is the part of the microscope that helps to make an object look larger by magnifying its image.

What do we call an instruction that makes small things look larger?


What do you call an instrument that makes things look larger?

a magnifying glass?

Is it true that A microscope is an instrument that makes distant objects look larger?
