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Q: What layer Filters packets based on MAC addresses?
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This layer specifies how addresses are assigned and how packets of data are forwarded from one network to another toward the destination?

data link layer

How are layer 2 switches similar to layer 3 switches?

A layer 2 switch at it's core only forwards data within a LAN and only deals with MAC addresses. A layer 3 switch has the capability of forwarding frames and packets because it understands IP addresses.

Which layer lost packets are traced?

Session Layer traced lost Packets.

Which layer device is IDS?

Actually, an IDS does not sit on one particular layer. It has to examine packets for protocols, how they are being transported, number of packets transmitted, spoofing information, and application layer information. In general terms, Intrusion detection system and Intrusion prevention system is a Layer 4 device. It filters for malicious data.

At which layer lost packets are traced?

At which layer lost packets are traced?

Main function is to examine packets and determine where to direct them based on their Network layer addressing information?


What layer of the OSI model routes data different lLANs and WANs based on network addresses?

Physical Layer of OSI model

Which layer is represented by packets?

Network Layer ( 3 )

What protocol maps layer 2 to layer 3 addresses on the TCP IP network?

RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) maps layer 2 addresses to layer 3 addresses. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) maps layer 3 addresses to layer 2 addresses.

What occurs next in the encapsulation process after the web page data is formatted and separated into TCP segments?

The server adds the source and destination IP addresses to the packet header. TCP------>Transmission control protocol is used in Transport layer which is the fourth layer.The Network layer is the third layer's data segments is converted into Packets in the network layer.In network layer packets are created and addressed them to transport across the other networks.

How do you calculate packet delivery ratio in MANET?

I think PDR= Packets Received / Packets Sent Packets sent/received values should be from same layer. i.e. all from application layer or network layer...etc

Which osi layer encapsulates data into packets?

network layer