there are barbeque chips
A microprocessor is a chip that serves as the central processing unit (CPU) in personal computer(PCs). it is often called a logic chip or master chip. it controls all programs and performs arithmetic calculations with great accuracy. it acts as the 'brain' of the computer. example:- Intel 4004 , Intel 8080 , Intel Pentium Pro , Pentium Microprocessor.
Intel offers a range of different server processors. These include, to name a few, the Intel Xeon Processor E3, The Intel Xeon Processor E5 and the Intel Xeon Processor E7.
Yes they are really good. There are many different kinds like dark chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, or even mint chocolate chips!!
Michael jackson loved Lay's classic potato chips they were his favorite.
Intel Centrino represents Intel Wi-Fi adapters and mobile processors. Systems ran by Intel Centrino have been said to have better performance, longer battery life, and a wider range of Wi-Fi.
Well, corn chips come in all kinds of flavors, Such as salsa and nacho cheese.
pretty much any chips they can, but i think most Americans prefer doritos, lays, cheetos, kettle chips, barbeque, and pringles
Tortilla, Potato, and Doritos are three kinds of chips to eat nacho cheese with.
kinds of computer mouse?