'Une cassette' can mean an audio-cassette or a small box of some kind
RAM is volatile storage, short-term storage or working memory. As opposed to a hard-drive which is non-volatile, long term storage or a mass-storage medium.
The Cassette Kids are an Indie band that started in Sydney Australia. They were all from the 80's and are old enough to remember cassette tapes before CD's came out.
Digital SLR's are nice. THey give you great flexibility and storage space. Though they are expensive and kind of medium in size.
dvd or usb amount of storage for pictures
Volatile storage.
As audio cassette tapes are falling out of fashion the newest version of audio recording is all digital. It allows for greater storage. An individual kind find more information by going to the Sony audio webpage.
Differential medium.
Honestly, with the change in todays recording environment, I would say the Teac or Sony brand of cassette deck would be the best.
Nintendo DS games don't use CD-ROMs as a storage medium, but instead they are programmed onto cartridges utilizing flash memory for storage. ^ Oh wow, I was not talking about that kind of CD.... in the game you have to find a CD... WHERE IS IT?!
A cassette radio player goes in a ford escort 1998.
A storage device stores data onto a storage medium. For example a tape backup device writes data onto tape medium