Thats too easy...
Wired RAM
Is used to save kernal and processes so you dont have to buy a 70 dollar windows os or 120 dollar mac os x or 0 dollar (woohoo!) Ubuntu disc every time you load up your computer.
You could also say Inactive RAM to AN extent. AT least some of it will be used to save application data and processes at all times, so i guess it counts too...
-adrat203, founder (and CEO and CFO and COO) of SDA Enterprises and its subsidiary, SDA Designers, popular on Google Sketchup 8
Permanent memory is non-erasable memory, so the right answer to this question is: ROM (Read Only Memory).
ROM (Read only memory)
It is Rom (read only memory)
"Permanent" memory is called ROM. ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Under normal circumstances, ROM can not be modified or erased, even if the computer loses power.
flash memory
RAM is used for storing the start-up instructions on the computer. This serves as the memory of the computer which will retrieve such instructions.
A super computer have not realy more memory, but it is a kind of computer that is stronger than a normal one, it is also bigger but, it is a kind of an prototype, I can say, it is realy no sertanyti how it is in memory.
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the kind of memory that loses its content when the computer power is turned off.
ROM, read only memory.
Computer memory is a form of computer data storage, which takes the form of integrated circuits. There are two types of computer memory: Random-access memory (RAM) and Read-only memory (ROM).
Ans. Read Only Memory (ROM):Another important part of main memory is Read Only Memory (ROM). Instructions can only be read from ROM. Instructions once written on ROM chip cannot be changed. It is a permanent or non-volatile memory of a computer, i.e. the contents of this type of memory are not lost when the computer is turned off. As soon as the computer is turned on, a program that resides in ROM automatically makes the computer ready for use. ROM is a semiconductor memory generally programmed by the manufacturer.Difference between PROM and EPROM:(Programmable Read Only Memory):It is a non-permanent memory of a computer. It is programmeable read only memory.EPROM (Erasable and programmable Read Only Memory):It is a non-permanent memory of a computer. It is programmeable and erase able read only memory.