Below is short listing of different computer related jobs in the industry. This list was created for users who enjoy computers but are uncertain about what field to enter. In the below list we have described each of the jobs, the requirements, and recommendations what to do if you're interpreted in the job.
With appropriate programs like CAD, or other according to the kind of engineering.
Software engineering, software development, programmer, manager and many others. I suggest looking on a careers site or in the newspaper to see what kind of jobs are available.
Stay away from nerds are ten a penny. Do RF engineering, it's hard, so not many people do it.
for example in allengineringschools you can find a schools for study engineering, and choose what kind of engineering you want to study, for example computer science, or something like that.
If one wanted to become a chemist, some of the careers one can be in are biochemistry, chemical engineering, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. To view the full list of careers, one can check the ACS website.
Without math, engineering of any kind is impossible
You need a bachelor's degree in computer science/information technology or another kind of engineering.
An engineering student can come up with a project that will help alleviate poverty for the poor deserving people.
A bachelors degree in computer science, and at least a years experience in the IT field are the minimums. However, having a Masters or PhD in computer science is recommended.
A person with a computer software job will complete work such as computer programming, requirements engineering, software testing, system integration or test management.
Sal Khan holds a Bachelor of Science in mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science from the Massachusettes Institute of Technology, while also holding a Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science. He also has an MBA in Harvard.