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Ctrl - C is the most common keyboard shortcut to copy highlighted text, but there are others, depending on the application you are using. For example, in Word you can use Shift - F2.

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Q: What keyboard shortcut can you use to copy highlighted text?
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What is the keyboard shortcut for copying text?

What is the ctrl c shortcut?

Ctrl+C copys the selected text, to paste press Ctrl+V.

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The keyboard shortcut used to copy text is ctrl?

Ctrl + c. To paste it into a new location or into a new document use: Ctrl + v.

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Ctrl and 'F'

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It is Ctrl X.

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How can you copy Telugu text in Microsoft Word?

To copy Telugu text in Microsoft Word, you can simply highlight the text with your mouse, right-click, and select "Copy." You can then paste the text into any document or application by right-clicking and selecting "Paste" or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V. Word should automatically support the text encoding for Telugu characters.

Cut is faster or copy?

Cut and Copy are two different functions of Word. Cut will take the Highlighted text from your word document and delete it. When you paste it will move the deleted text to where ever you paste. Copy just dupilcates the highlighted text where ever you paste.

Keyboard shortcut to store text for repeated use?

In windows, Ctrl + C will store selected text in the clipboard (copy it) so you can use it later. Ctrl + V will paste the stored text into any location where you can enter text. You can use these shortcuts when you want to move text around or when you want to copy a block of text multiple times.

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What keyboard shortcut keys can be used to paste text from the office clipboard?

Ctrl + V