Press and hold Alt and then F4.
Open applications. Go to utilities. Open activity monitor. Scroll down until you see finder. highlight it and click the quit button in the upper left hand corner. click on quit. if you quit all other applications, finder will start up again.You can hold down the Shift key while selecting the Apple menu icon (top left corner) which will change the Force Quit... option to Force Quit Application's name. Ensure you are using the Finder's menu bar to Force Quit it.
You will close all windows related to that particular copy of Excel. You can open several instances of Excel. When you quit one, you do not affect the other sessions that are open.
to save you press on the diary in mileys room and to quit you press start then press quit
Close Button
press a quit button
Close button
By clicking on the X Button on the top right corner of the Excel Window.
If you mean that when you click in another part of the sheet it selects all the area between that and does that no matter where you click, just press the F8 key.
No you don't. The Standard Toolbar does not have a quit button. To quit Word, you can click the X on the title bar or press Alt-F4 or Alt-F-X.
press escape, and click on "Save and Quit to Title"
You have to press save and quit.