

What is work capability?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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Work Capability is a thing you desire seems most slippery and indefinable to you. You may seem to think that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your desire. And because this external thing is away from you and you don't have it, you think that you are doomed because even that seems elusive. So you are stuck in a vicious circle. You accept that, you fear it. But before you accept something that has absolutely no value to you, take another look.

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Q: What is work capability?
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What is the difference between kinetic energy and mass?

First, let's define energy; plain old vanilla energy. Energy is a capability. It's a capability to do work or cause a change. In other words things that have energy can do work. Like if you have energy you can tidy up your room, which is doing work. There are all sorts of energy sources. One of those sources is motion. A waterfall. for example, has the capability to do work (i.e., it has energy) because that water is in fact falling. It's moving. And when anything has the capability to do work because it's moving that capability is called kinetic energy. Mass cannot do work or cause a change. It is not energy. So there's a major difference. One is energy the other is not. Mass at some level of quantity can be touched. It is tangible. Energy is not tangible; it's only a capability. Mass is a measure for the inertia of an object. NOTE: You've probably read about E = mc^2 and the term Some interpret that as meaning mass is energy. It is not energy. It is the potential for producing energy, but it's not energy itself because mass cannot do work or cause a change.

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How did you Demonstrate Capability?

I showcased my skills and knowledge through practical examples, projects, or work experience. I also may have provided references or received positive feedback on my performance in relevant tasks or projects to demonstrate my capability.