You select something, then run the feathering on the selection. Little more detail: You want to frame a picture of an attractive female (mother, wife, girlfriend, daughter, cat...) in a soft-edged heart surrounded by a red background. 1. Open picture of female. Set the background color to red. 2. Use pen tool to draw heart well inside the boundary of the photo. 3. Make the heart into a selection. Run the Feather command--the bigger the number, the more gentle will be the feathering. 4. Invert the selection (this will select everything outside the heart) and delete to complete the job.
Shift + F6
Shift + F6
The feather setting blurs the edges of a selection, softening the transition between the selected and unselected areas.
Softening, you can soften edges of selection using Feather command from select > Modify > Feather or From Refine Edge dialog Select > Refine Edge. Feather also appears on Properties panel in Photoshop CS6 or Masks panel in previous versions to soften edges of pixel based or vector mask (you must select mask on Layers panel first).
you can use any photoshop but i tend to use CS3 or CS4
Most digital and graphics design artists use photoshop. Those who can't afford Photoshop usually use GIMP or Corel Paint Shop
Photoshop Elements is Photoshop but with less features, so Photoshop is better but it is professional level software. For home use or to get started Photoshop Elements is OK.
When you show your products photos to your customers and need to edit them, you will use adobe photoshop.
No, they are separate programs or software's to use and to buy.
Adobe Photoshop tutorials online has thousands of free tutorials to teach you how to use their photoshop. You can also use photoshop or adobe to find all the answers to your questions as well.
The feather fell in the tar.