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types of register in the CPU are bits and chips

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Q: What is type of register in CPU?
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What are the different types of register?

There are two type of register in computer cpu. first one is data register and second one is address register.

Advantage of using a CPU register over memory locations?

CPU register is faster than memory loacations

What is register in CPU?

a special high-speed storage area in cpu.

What are register variables?

A register variables is that which got space in CPU internal register sets this requst can be granted or rejected by CPU ,by register veriable the processing speed become much faster for that variable.

What are register?

A register variables is that which got space in CPU internal register sets this requst can be granted or rejected by CPU ,by register veriable the processing speed become much faster for that variable.

What are the disadvantages of processor regiser in the CPU CPU?

The word CPU is repeated in the question, and the category, 8086/8088, does not fit a category where there is a specific processor register. Please restate the question, and give more details, and/or the name of the register.

What is the format of each register used in computer and explain it?

register is internal memory inside the cpu.

What is the advantage of using a CPU register for temporary data storage over using a memory location?

Simple answer - speed. By using the CPU register, the information is kept "local" to the CPU. By storing a value in a memory location, a lookup has to be performed to retrieve it.

What chip of a CPU reads program instructions?

The instruction register.

What is the unit of register?

temporay data storage area of the cpu

What is IR in microprocessor?

it's instruction pointer register it's in cpu and it holds the instruction which the cpu fetching it from memory

What are differences between a bus and a register that are present in the CPU?

Major difference between Bus and Register is that B for Bus while R for Register