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Used for tracking referrals, follow-ups, or re-check appointments (in reference to a medical office)

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Q: What is tickler file?
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What is a synonym for tickler?

tickler file, file, data file

How many files does A tickler file have?

A tickler file is a file set up to remind the user of matters that must be attended to at appropriate times. There is no set number. The number depends on the number of files that office has in the category of time sensitive material.

Why is the tickler file an effective organizational tool to help the medical assistant?


What is a tikler file?

A tickler file is a collection of data labeled file organised in a way that allows item sensitive documents to be filed according to the future data on which each document needs action. Documents within a tickler file can be>to do lists, pending bills, unpaid invoices, travel tickets, hotel reservations, meeting information, call back notes and follow up reminders. The tickler file is often used in newsrooms by editing, journalists, reporters, sales representatives and professional offices in medicine, law, government, and accounting.

Is it helpful to devise an easy way to remember office closing duties such as using a what?

Tickler file?

How many files does A tickler file whose purpose is to remind you of important dates and events?

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When did Thomas Tickler die?

Thomas Tickler died in 1938.

When was Thomas Tickler born?

Thomas Tickler was born in 1852.

What is a tickler system In medical terms?

Tickler system has the same meaning in medical terms as in the wider world. It's a system for remind you to do something at some future date. For example, if someone's mammogram result included a recommendation to repeat the study in six months, you might file a tickler to remind you and your staff to tell the patient to go and to watch for the result.

What are the ratings and certificates for American Tickler - 1977?

American Tickler - 1977 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

What was the purpose of the USS Tickler?

USS TICKLER was a 50-ton sloop used as a dispatch boat. Source:

What actors and actresses appeared in Tickler - 2001?

The cast of Tickler - 2001 includes: Clayton Jacobson Ant Keogh