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Q: What is the word family of malevolent?
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Marvolent isn't a word. The word is 'malevolent'. It means having or showing a wish to do evil to others. For example His eyes had a malevolent glint in them or The malevolent thoughts refused to leave her mind.

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How many syllables in the word malevolent?

there are Four syllables in Malevolent Ma-le-vo-lent

What is a sentence using the word malevolent?

A malevolent man, he had lied and had both servants killed. The emperor was known to malevolent and cruel toward defeated enemies.

What sentence can you use with the word malevolent?

In my opinion, the man is a malevolent person. Malevolent: wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred.

What is the Japanese word for malevolent?

Jaaku na

How can you use the word malevolent?

MALEVOLENT : having or showing an intense and vicious ill will, spite and hatred for someone or something. Example : "His malevolent plan to ruin his brother's life did not succeed."

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What is another word for old and horrible?

ancient and malevolent :)

How do you used malevolent in a sentence?

The word "malevolent" means evil, hateful or with a malicious intent. (or having or exhibiting hatred) Example : "The baron was known as a malevolent ruler of his serfs." Example : "As he stepped back from the dropped bottle of pickles, he saw the stockboy giving him a malevolent glare."

What Latin word does malevolent come from?

Malevolent comes from the Latin word "malevolens," which is a combination of "malus" meaning "bad" and "volens" meaning "wishing" or "desiring." This word is used to describe someone who has an intense desire to do harm or evil towards others.

What does malevolent?

The word malevolent means that a person has or wishes to do evil or harm to another person. This word is an adjective and some synonyms are malicious and malignant.