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Q: What is the wavy line called above the accent mark on the keyboard?
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What is the line above a word in Spanish called?

the accent mark

What is a line over a vowel called?

An accent.

What is the accent mark above letters called?

They're called Gras. That's what our Spanish teacher told us in highschool. Normally, it is called a "tilde". That is also the squiggly line above the Spanish letter ñ.

What is the line above a letter in spanish called?

There is the accent and the tilde á the line above the a is an accent when used to add emphasis to a letter. ñ the line above the n is a tilde In certain words the line above a vowel is also called a tilde él = Him/He . The line over the E is a tilde, not an accent even though it looks exactly like an accent. The difference is a tilde does not change the pronunciation. It is used to change the meaning of the word. el=the. él= he/him.

What is the line above the total called?

The line above the total is called the subtotal. It is referred to as above-the-line. It does not include deductions or taxes.

What is the line symbol above the enter key on a keyboard for?

Backspace for deleting characters when typing

What is the line over a Spanish word called?

Accent mark The wavy line (making 'n' into 'nyuh') is called a 'tilde'

What is the thing over a letter called?

The line above the letter á is an acute accent. The general term for these lines or marks is a diacritic.

What is my father's elder brother called as?

Your mother's brother is called your uncle. It does not matter if he is her elder brother, her younger borther or her twin brother. In the Hispanic community, he is called "Tio"; in the French community, he is called "Oncle" with an upside down "v" above the "o"; in the Italian community, he is called "Zio"; in the Portuguese community, he is called "Tio" (formal) or "Titio" (informal); in the German community, he is called "der Onkel"; in the Russian community, he is called "Aяaя" ; in the Polish community, he is called "Stryjek"; in the Romanian community, he is called "Unchi"; in the Greek community, he is called "yTTapyTTac" with both "y"s written backwards, an accent mark above the first "a", and a comma drawn on the bottom of the "c" or he can also be called "θείος"; in the Turkish community, he is called "amca" (formal) or "dayl" (informal); in the Chinese community, he is called "shu shu" with an straight line drawn above the first "u", or "bo bo" with an accent mark above the first "o", or "da ye" with a backwards accent mark above the "a" and an accent mark above the "e".

The line on a mountain above which trees do not grow?

The line on a mountain above which trees do not grow is called the tree line. It is sometimes called the timber line as well.

What is the non alphabetical order of letters on a keyboard called?

a QWERTY keyboard. It is called this because of the line of q,w,e,r,t,y in the top left corner.

What is the line on a mountain above which it is to cold to grow trees called?

The line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow is called the tree line.Not tree line it's timberline!